May Dates
Check this for previews or reminders. Congratulations everyone for rocking the AP Exam! I am so very proud of each of you. Thank you for working so hard and so happily all year. It was my great privilege to be on team with you. AP EXAM CAMP UNIT QUESTIONS - 2 Per Unit 5/16 Popcorn and Pillow Pets Day You bring the pillow pet, I'll bring the popcorn! HW: Be thinking about what project you want to do for the Future Issues or Africa Issues. The Africa Issues has 6 options, but you can submit your plan for a Future Issues proposal. Think about your teammates. On Monday we will have tables of 5, so think about who you want to work with and plan accordingly. Click on your class period below and put your names (groups of 3-4) next to your chose topic and then one member of the team email [email protected] and verify your topic and group members. 2nd Period 3rd Period 5th Period 6th Period 7th Period 5/17 We've Got Issues Day Tuesday (5/17) - Intro Project and begin Tuesday-Friday (5/17-20) - Work on Project Monday-Wednesday (5/23-25) - Present Projects Africa Issues Project Rubric You and your team can discuss and agree on an issue faced in Africa that you would like to see fixed. Africa is one of the regions where we have seen very slow development and much of that is due to the 6 major challenges listed below. You will be able to further understand the actual problem and propose real solutions based on your hopes. Africa Issues options: AIDs Genocide Blood Diamonds Poverty Child Soldiers Oil Exploitation Future Issues Project Rubric You and your team can discuss and agree on an issue that will or may challenge our future. Then you will propose a solution or solutions for the issue. You will see some potential ideas below that you can consider and research. If you have a different concept that your team comes up with, you must provide adequate explanation of how it will be a future issue and what you propose to solve it. Future Issues example ideas: POP/CITIES: Seasteading for ocean cities, algae farms, etc. AG: Dead Bees (Means Dead Humans...) CITIES: Venus Project (future cities) LANG: ONE LANGUAGE/lingua franca to rule them all POL: Removal of boundaries, WTO Capitalism World?, U.N. controlled world? DEV: Mass Consumption level? All MDCs? AG: Vertical Agriculture IND/DEV: 3-D printers in homes? What could they create that would be beneficial? DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRY: Space based Solar energy IND: Wearable Intelligence? (Google Glass, analytics, health care monitoring all day long) AG: Future GMOs to save the world DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRY: New energy sources CITIES: Transportation South Korea's OLEV Electic Bus System: 5/19-20 Life in a Day is a crowd-sourced drama/documentary film comprising an arranged series of video clips selected from 80,000 clips submitted to the YouTube video sharing website, the clips showing respective occurrences from around the world on a single day, July 24, 2010. The film is 94 minutes 53 seconds long and includes scenes selected from 4,500 hours of footage in 80,000 submissions from 192 nations. The completed film debuted at the Sundance Film Festival on January 27, 2011 and the premiere was streamed live on YouTube. Life in a Day 3 Questions The Guardian newspaper article on Life in a Day What do you have in your pocket/bag? What do you love? What do you fear? 5/26 Ask Parsons Anything Day As we close up our year. this is the day for goodbyes and an opportunity to ask whatever you have been pondering this year. Ask Parsons Question Sheet 5/27-6/3 FINALS WEEK Monday-Thursday LAST CHANCE FOR EXTRA CREDIT Rubenstein Extra Credit APHuG SATURDAY CAMP
SATURDAY APRIL 9th 8:20 am - 3:30 pm Clear Creek High School Session 1 (8:20-11:30 AM) - Units 1-6 with TheMisterClark Session 2 (12:30 - 3:30 PM) - Practice Exam (M/Cs and 1 FRQ) It's free so do it darn it to heck! click to register April Dates
Check this for previews or reminders. 4/1 Friday Chapter 11 Vocab and Asia Map Test 4/4-5 Monday-Tuesday Factory City They live there. They eat there. Their children attend school there. But most of all, they work there. They are the 17000 employees of EUPA, a "Factory City" in the southeast corner of China. EUPA's massive workforce pumps out 15 million irons per year, millions of sandwich grills, microwaves, coffee makers and blenders. Now they are about to take the manufacturing world by storm with their introduction of solar powered products. The show will focus not on how the goods are made, but how the Factory City operates. It is a novel concept for the rest of the world but it has become a way of life in China, where a new industrial revolution is unfolding on a scale the world has never seen before. 4/6 Wednesday LAD Ch. 11 Industry PPT discussion 4/7 Thursday The Lorax and discussion of the environmental factors of industry Rubensteamy and the automotive industry. Skip to 12:15 for the Rubensteamy section. 4/8 Friday
Tertiary Jorbs Activity This activity will introduce students to the concepts of the Service industry and the Tertiary Sector of jobs in the economy. Type the answers in the document. Print the Word.doc when you are finished. DUE: THURSDAY 4/14 Riblet #1 Riblet #2 Riblet #3 Riblet #4 4/11 Chapter 12 Services Student Team Posters In your group of 3-4 create a poster that explains the key issues of your key issue and then your team will present it. 1.) Look over your key issue and discuss what needs to be in it. 2.) Plan out the main elements and visuals that will be in it. 3.) Use the back of the paper to create a practice poster before you commit to the “real thing.” 4.) Your final poster should contain: a. The main points of the Key Issue b. Important visuals to explain your topic. (Maps, drawings, etc.) c. All of the DED words from your Key Issue either defined directly or involved in your main points so that they are “defined” in context. d. It should display true effort and creativity. Due: Thursday 4/14 Team Presentation to Class HW: Chapter 13 outlines and DED Words Due: 4/18 Monday 4/12 Tuesday The Story of Stuff and critiques Response Sheet !'s and ?'s and more! Story of Stuff Video: Story of Stuff, The Critique: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Due: Wednesday 4/13 - Story of Stuff 4/13 Wednesday Industry/Services FRQ Workshop DUE: Story of Stuff 4/14 Thursday Present the Chapter 12 Services Student Team Posters DUE: Tertiary Jobs Activity 4/15 Friday - 4/18 Monday Urbanized. Movie A documentary film by Gary Hustwit Urbanized is a feature-length documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. Over half the world’s population now lives in an urban area, and 75% will call a city home by 2050. But while some cities are experiencing explosive growth, others are shrinking. The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain. urbanized. questions... - who moves to a city? - what is a challenge of “too” many people in a city? - why make something beautiful? - what is scary about a city? - what is appealing about a city? Jane Jacobs - the City is alive and the people are important Jane Jacobs Page Tidy Street Electricity Usage Stuttgart 21 Project in Germany HW: FOREIGN POLICY MEGACITIES ARTICLE RESPONSE DUE FRIDAY 4/22 DUE: Chapter 13 outlines and DED Words (4/20 Monday) 4/19 Tuesday - No More TheMisterParsons at Clear Falls HS Chapter 13 Cities and Urban Land Use PPT and Discussion 4/20 Wednesday Chapter 13 Cities and Urban Land Use PPT and Discussion 4/21 Thursday Chapter 12-13 Vocab and World Map Test 4/22 Friday Houston Inner Cities NPR: Gentrification Megacities TED Talks "How megacities are changing the map of the world" DUE: Megacities Response 4/25-26 Monday-Tuesday Radiant City Since the end of World War II, one of kind of urban residential development has dominate how cities in North America have grown, the suburbs. In these artificial neighborhoods, there is a sense of careless sprawl in an car dominated culture that ineffectually tries to create the more organically grown older communities. Interspersed with the comments of various experts about the nature of suburbia, we follow the lives of various inhabitants of this pervasive urban sprawl and hear their thoughts. However at the end, there is a twist that plays on the falseness of the world in they live. March Dates
3/1 Tuesday Regional Food Research Project reflection Agriculture Test Discussion and Corrections 3/2-4 Wed-Fri Chapter 9 Development PPT Lecture and Discussion 3/7 Monday Power of Place Video Series Changes on the Chang Jiang - Shanghai and Sijia POP Discussion Questions Response This video program features two case studies about the Chang Jiang River valley: Shanghai: Head of the Dragon and Sijia: Small Town, Big Change. The first case study, Shanghai: Head of the Dragon, examines China's most populous city. Shanghai is experiencing unprecedented growth since the central government gave its approval and support to an open city policy. The opening of China's coastal regions to foreign trade has been the catalyst for Shanghai's economic expansion. Massive construction projects are underway in old Shanghai and throughout the Open Coastal Area, especially in the Pudong New Area. The second case study, Sijia: Small Town, Big Change, profiles Sijia, a small village that experienced rapid growth when a blue jeans garment factory located there. This rural township enterprise has given villagers year-round employment with steady wages and an increasing standard of living. This type of non-governmental, rural industry is in sharp contrast to Shanghai's approach to economic development, which is encouraged by both the central and provincial governments. DUE TODAY: CHAPTER 9 OUTLINE AND DED WORDS LAST CHANCE FOR EXTRA CREDIT Rubenstein Extra Credit 3/8 Tuesday Chapter 9 Vocab and Africa Map Test 3/9 Wednesday Course Selection in College Center HDI DAY Look over the Human Development Index (p. 28-31) and its components list from NorwAy to (Not Norway) hand out. Pick ONE country from each of the FOUR levels (VERY HIGH HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW). Go to and click on the World Factbook link in the middle under “Library/Publications”. You will do your research on the CIA website for this project. 1.) For each of the states you have chosen you will go to that country’s page and click on and read through the PEOPLE and the ECONOMICS sections. 2.) From that for each country you will give a brief 5-8 sentence explanation how the country is in their particular level of development based on your research in the PEOPLE and the ECONOMICS sections. Quote particular statistics and facts from the CIA World Factbook to make your points. Use specific human geography terms and vocabulary where applicable. 3.) This should be 1-2 pages typed. It can be saved in your student home folder or printed out and handed in to the classroom folder. HW: HDI DAY 4 countries analysis DUE THURSDAY 3/24 3/10 Thursday Discussion of Wallerstein's World Systems Theory (PowerPoint) 3/11 Friday Course Selection in College Center 3/12-20 HAVE A GREAT SPRING BREAK!!! 3/21 Monday LDC DAY packet 3/22 Tuesday MDC DAY packet 3/23 Wednesday Industry, TX vs. Industry, CA Thanks Sebastian Roe and Luke Tran for getting Industry's website over 50,000 (from 14,000 that morning). It started at 1,100 just 4 short years ago. The Industrial Revolution Video Notes Sheet HW: Read and Outline Ch. 11 Industry and DED Words DUE WEDNESDAY 3/30 3/24 Thursday Google Maps Industry Exploration DUE MONDAY 3/28 3/28 Monday Ch. 11 Industry PPT discussion 3/29 Tuesday - ELA STAAR TESTING Good Luck! Freshmen in testing Soph-Senior in the GYM 3/30 Wednesday Power of Place: The Transforming Industrial Heartland - Liverpool and Randstad Video is available here: Notes Sheet DUE: Chapter 11 Notebook check Study for Chapter 11 Vocab and Asia Map Test Friday April 1st 3/31 Thursday Industrial Vocab Free Write Create a fictional story about an industrial tour of the world using 15 or more of the Industrial DED words below. You can write this in first person as the Tour Guide giving the tour or as a person on the tour explaining what you saw. You can also write in the third person and just tell a story of someone on this tour and what they saw and experienced. HIGHLIGHT or underline each DED word you use. This should show evidence of understanding the concepts and contextual usage of each word. Use proper geographic locations and examples where necessary. Industrial Revolution, cottage industry, situation factors, site factors, bulk-reducing industry, bulk-gaining industry, break-of-bulk point, labor-intensive industry, textiles, greenhouse effect, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), acid precipitation, photochemical smog, sanitary landfill, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), right-to-work laws, new international (global) division of labor, outsourcing, maquiladoras, vertical integration, Fordist production, post-Fordist production, just-in-time delivery, agglomeration, , infrastructure, deindustrialization, economies of scale, ecotourism, footloose industry, Entrepôt, Alfred Weber’s least cost theory, Bid rent theory, commodity chain, capital, newly industrialized countries, BRICS countries, technopole, growth pole DUE FRIDAY 4/1 February Dates
2/1-2 Food Inc. Full Video Link: In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that's been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, insecticide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli — the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults. Featuring interviews with such experts as Eric Schlosser ("Fast Food Nation"), Michael Pollan ("The Omnivore's Dilemma") along with forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farms' Gary Hirschberg and Polyface Farms' Joel Salatin, Food, Inc. reveals surprising — and often shocking truths — about what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here. What Can You Do? handout Here’s some websites to look further: (Monsanto’s answer to Food Inc.) (Critics of Food Inc.: “Myths & Facts” by the American Meat Institute) DUE: CH. 10 outlines and DED Words HW: Food Inc Discussion Questions DUE WEDNESDAY (2/3) CH. 10 VOCAB AND EUROPE MAP TEST FRIDAY (2/5) Europe Map WITH labels 2/3 LATE ARRIVAL DAY Food INC Discussion Food INC Spectrum What Can You Do? handout DUE: Food Inc Discussion Questions 2/4 Agriculture PPT Discussion and Lecture 2/5 CH. 10 VOCAB AND EUROPE MAP TEST Europe Map WITH labels Great Map study games. Thanks Timothy Szakacs! 2/8 Guns, Germs, and Steel with Jeremy Diamond Most of this work deals with non-Europeans, but Diamond's thesis sheds light on why Western civilization became hegemonic: "History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples' environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves." Those who domesticated plants and animals early got a head start on developing writing, government, technology, weapons of war, and immunity to deadly germs. VIDEO LINK note sheet Viewing Guide to film 2/9 Finish Guns, Germs, and Steel with Jeremy Diamond HW: Critique of Guns, Germs, and Steel Response DUE FRIDAY (2/12) 2/10 WEDNESDAY Agriculture Scribble Maps Students will be able to explore different ethnic foods from around the world. From that, they will use the tablets to research their individual food’s roots and history. They will map their foods history and movement to the Houston area using and to visually show their food’s origins, background, and description as well as where to find the culinary expression of it in a local restaurant. 5-7 mins Intro Project Discussion of regional foods 8-10 mins Take the 100 Foods List Challenge ( 10-15 mins Students will randomly choose one of the 100 Foods and begin to research the history of that food. In particular they will study and record a simple 5-7 line history of the origin, background, and description of that food. They will have that research finished by Thursday’s class. □ Choose Food (from 100 Food List Challenge – randomly pull 3 food slips and choose 1, place 2 back) □ Research and write 5-7 line history on origin, background, and description of the food, and save photo 2/11 THURSDAY Agriculture Scribble Maps - Intro and model how students will use their tablets to create a Scribble Map ( of where their food originated from and then they will discover where their food can be found locally using to show a restaurant that offers it. - Students will work on entering their research into the platform to show their food’s 5-7 line history and an image over the country/region of origin. From there a path will work its way to Houston and stop over the restaurant where it can be found locally. There the info (Restaurant Name, Address and/or Website) and restaurant photo will pop up as well. (DUE FRIDAY 2/12) □ Create Scribbles Map for your food ( - Register with an email so you can retrieve your map later □ Add Picture of food over origin □ Add “MARKER” with your 5-7 line history, background, and description research to pop up at origin □ Have Food “travel” to Houston (straight line OR airplane route) □ Research on what local restaurant serves your food ( □ Have restaurant information (Name, address and/or website) and restaurant photo pop up □ Share your Scribble Map with Mr. Parsons ([email protected]) with your name, class period, and food in the subject. □ EXTRA: Play with adding other animation to map Parsons' Scribblemap example 2/12 FRIDAY Students will present their Food Scribble Maps and discuss/compare. (1-2 mins each) 2/15 MILK MONDAY!!!
Real Milk vs. Walmart "milk" (OR Sally Milk vs. Walmart's metallic milk of a 1000 cows) Healthy Way Dairy 15525 Cedar st. Santa Fe, Texas 77517 (409) 925-7070 Friend them: Healthy Way Dairy Facebook Page Local Articles on Healthy Way Dairy: Instagram Hashtag: #healthywaydairy #SallyMilk Discussing challenges of India's irrigation and the power of milk! India Irrigation Video and Questions Why Some States Want to Legalize Raw Milk Sales article 2/16-17 Tuesday & Wednesday Regional Food Research Project This project will allow students to learn about a specific world region’s geography, culture, and food history. That will lead them to develop a brief presentation on their information and create a representative food to serve on our Focused Food Friday (2/26). It will be worth 3 daily grades (300 points) Regional Food Research Project PowerPoint Regional Food Research Project Rubric & Outline Food Regions Note Sheets and Reference Pages Click the link below for your class period. That will take you to a Google spreadsheet that lists all 26 of Food Regions. Choose one and type your name and teammate's name next to the chosen Food Region. Then email Mr. Parsons at [email protected] with your chose Food Region and names. 2nd Period - Google Sheet 3rd Period - Google Sheet 5th Period - Google Sheet 6th Period - Google Sheet 7th Period - Google Sheet SCHEDULE: 2/16 Tuesday: Intro project, choose teammate, choose food region, begin research, plan project & food 2/17 Wednesday: Continue research, start tri-fold presentation board, plan project & food 2/26 Friday: Have presentation and food ready, present food region info and distribute food Required Actions: □ Step One (Food Region Choice) Choose teammate and food region – access Google Sheet link from – enter teammates’ names next to chosen food region – email [email protected] with your names and your chosen food region □ Step Two (Food Region Research) – 50 points Each student will take their corresponding research note sheet & reference page from Regional Food folder – they will work together to complete that research and fill the note sheet with their findings – that research will be displayed on their Regional Food tri-fold display board – that research will lead them to creating a food from that region □ Step Three (Food Region Presentation Board) – 100 points Students will enter their research onto a tri-fold display board – it will have the following requirements: 1.) Title of the Region 2.) Map and Flag of the country/countries 3.) Visuals of the foods of that region 4.) Info from their research note sheet & reference page summarized as applicable 5.) Info on their food □ Step Four (Food Region Fooooooooooood) – 100 points The student will work with their teammate(s) to create a food item (meal EX: pizza, pasta, baked dish etc. OR single-serving EX: cookies, dessert pieces, sushi, etc.) –there must be over 30 small servings so that each student in the class gets a taste – that can be done by scooping the food onto the other students’ plate or by placing a piece of the food on the students’ plate – there will be opportunity for Extra Points for the highest rated foods (1st: 15 pts, 2nd: 10 pts, 3rd 5 pts) – there will be one microwave available for heating – students must take their food items, containers, and serving utensils with them – they will be thrown away by 3 pm Friday (2/26) if found in Mr. Parsons room □ Step Five (Food Region Presentation 2/26 Friday) – 50 points The classroom will be set up with desks surrounding the room and no chairs – students will have two desks to display their food and tri-fold display board – students will rotate around the room while one teammate stays at their desk to present to students – each Food Region will get 60 seconds – the student will present their Food Region and food to the student – students will rotate through the regions – once the teammate rotates back around they will switch places and begin the next rotation 2/18 Thursday Finish Scribble Maps Intro Hungry Planet Continue working on Regional Food Research Project 2/19 Friday - SUBSTITUTE DAY - Happy Birthday to Me! Hungry Planet 1 PPT slides Hungry Planet Observation Sheets HW: Study for Agriculture Exam M/C Exam: Wednesday FRQ Exam: Thursday Agriculture Exam Study Guide 2/22 Monday America Revealed - Food Machine Over the past century, an American industrial revolution has given rise to the biggest, most productive food machine the world has ever known. In this episode, host Yul Kwon explores how this machine feeds nearly 300 million Americans every day. He discovers engineering marvels we’ve created by putting nature to work and takes a look at the costs of our insatiable appetite on our health and environment. For the first time in human history, less than 2% of the population can feed the other 98%. Yul embarks on a trip that begins with a pizza delivery route in New York City then goes across country to California’s Central Valley, where nearly 50% of America’s fruits, nuts and vegetables are grown and skydives into the heartland for an aerial look of our farmlands. He meets the men and women who keep us fed 365 days a year—everyone from industrial to urban farmers, crop dusting pilots to long distance bee truckers, modern day cowboys to the pizza deliveryman. HW: Study for Agriculture and Rural Land Use Exams STUDY GUIDE 2/23 Tuesday Agriculture PPT Discussion and Lecture 2/24 Wednesday Agriculture and Rural Land Use Multiple Choice Exam 2/25 Thursday Agriculture and Rural Land Use FRQ Exam 2/26 Friday REGIONAL FOOD RESEARCH PROJECT Have presentation and food ready present food region info and distribute food - The classroom will be set up with desks surrounding the room and no chairs – students will have two desks to display their food and tri-fold display board – students will rotate around the room while one teammate stays at their desk to present to students – each Food Region will get 60 seconds – the student will present their Food Region and food to the student – students will rotate through the regions – once the teammate rotates back around they will switch places and begin the next rotation 2/29 Monday 1000 Places to See Before You Die - India PLIRM Sheet "HEY PIG"
Polyface, Inc. is a family owned, multi-generational, pasture-based, beyond organic, local-market farm and informational outreach in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. We are in the redemption business: healing the land, healing the food, healing the economy, and healing the culture. Writing, speaking, and farm tours offer various message venues. Experience the satisfaction of knowing your food and your farmer, building community. We are your clean meat connection. agricultural links:12 Surprising Ways to Use the Cow Without a Bite
What happens on "the Kill Floor" of slaughterhouses (be warned)
Slow Food is a global, grassroots organization, founded in 1989 to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions, counteract the rise of fast life and combat people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from and how our food choices affect the world around us. Since its beginnings, Slow Food has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 160 countries, working to ensure everyone has access to good, clean and fair food. Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment. Through our food choices we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and as a result bring about great change SLOWFOOD - USA SLOWFOOD - HOUSTON APHuG Travels - EF Tours 2017 Summer Global Summit - ASK MR PARSONS ABOUT IT Examine what food means to cultures around the world as you explore cities across Europe. Together with your students, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of food’s ability to link us to our past and present, and learn about our role in the future of food. Urban Harvest celebrates healthy living through the food we eat, fresh whole food that comes from the ground, on bushes and trees in a natural state. The organization teaches how to grow fruits and vegetables, for oneself and for others to share or to sell at local farmers markets. It advocates for access to this fresh food so that all Houstonians get the nutrition necessary for healthy bodies and minds, hence for healthy communities and ultimately for a healthy planet. The Future of Food
Summit Tours: Examine what food means to cultures around the world as you explore cities across Europe. Together with your students, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of food’s ability to link us to our past and present, and learn about our role in the future of food. Summit Leadership Conference: Join other teachers and students in Turin, Italy, for a two-day leadership conference, July 8–9. Hear from world-renowned speakers, attend expert-led workshops and gain valuable insight into how food connects plates, people, politics and culture. APHuG Travels - EF Tours 2017 Summer Global Summit - ASK MR PARSONS ABOUT IT Examine what food means to cultures around the world as you explore cities across Europe. Together with your students, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of food’s ability to link us to our past and present, and learn about our role in the future of food. Spain, France, & Italy Future of Food Global Summit June 29 - July 10, 2017 January Dates
1/5 1000 Places to See Before You Die - Cambodia Time to transition from Ethnicity into Political Geography. PLIRM Sheet HW: Outline Rubenstein Ch. 8 Political Geo & Ch. 8 DED Words DUE: Tuesday 1/12 1/6 LAPTOPS! - Great website to test Political Geography abilities. Use this Score Sheet to track your awesome! 1/7-8 Discussion of Political Geography Jimmy Kimmel video of little genius Arden Hayes mastery Chapter 8 Political Geography PPT Contested Countries hand out Governments of the World hand out 1/11 Continued discussion of Political Geography Chapter 8 Political Geography PPT 1/12 International Organizations - European Union PPT Part 1 European Union PPT Part 2 European Union notes tied to PPT DUE: Ch. 8 Political Geo outlines & Ch. 8 DED Words REMINDER: TEST Tuesday (1/19) - Ch. 8 DED words and Latin America Map Test 1/13 LATE ARRIVAL DAY MĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀPS Built your own Atlas for your notebooks. DUE: Thursday 1/21 MĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀPS Directions North America blank map Latin America blank map Europe blank map Africa & SW Asia blank map Asia blank map North America with labels Latin America with labels Europe with labels Africa with labels Asia with labels 1/14 Inside North Korea 1/15 Finish Inside North Korea Brainwashing of North Korean KIMdergartners article DUE Tuesday (1/19) 1/19 Chapter 8 DED Word and Latin America Map Test 1/20 ELA Benchmark for Freshmen 1/21 The Troubles of Ireland What's Going On? - Ireland HW: The Troubles of Ireland DUE: Thursday 1/28 1/22 Political Geo FRQ Workshop The Troubles of Ireland 3 Theories of Nation-State Expansion PPT 1/25 Chapter 8 Multiple Choice Test STUDY GUIDE FOR CH. 8 TEST HW: Chapter 10 Agriculture Outline and DED Words DUE: MONDAY 2/1 1/26 Discuss Political Geo "Walls" FRQ - Grade and highlight Go over M/C test as time allows THE MEATRIX Students will view the 3 videos that cover some of the "horrors" of the REAL world of meat production. The Meatrix Response TEAM: Students work together and discuss what their table thinks the 4 main points of THEMEATRIX are and the truths and faults of each point. 1/27-29 MEATRIX vs. The Beef Industry's "Family Farms" The Beef Industry response Farms vs. Meatrix assignment Each DUO will work on one Agricultural topic. The 2 of you will work on the US Factory Farm side and “The Meatrix” side. You and your teammate will then each write a brief summary of the main facts from each particular website. Put at least 3-5 major “facts” that explain the position of each side. You will then share with the rest of the class your team’s findings. While the other people share their 3-5 points, fill in 1 point that stands out to you in the following categories. Beef Industry Frequently Asked Questions DUE: MONDAY 2/1 Future Food: Bug Burgers? Pestaurant? ![]() December Dates
12/1-2 - LAPTOPS! OR TABLETS! Religion Project Choose FIVE of the following religions: Religion List You must choose 2 Christian Denominations. Then fill out the Religion Comparisons Chart and write the compare/contrast response on two of the religions. DUE: MONDAY 12/7 MATISYAHU (the jewish rapper) YouTube Page Day 2: Religion Research Project Discussion Questions
In class students will work in their groups of 4 to teach each other about their religions. Then students will use the Discussion Questions to make comparisons and observations of their religions. 12/3 Religion Overview PPT Class Religion Survey Results 12/4 Culture Vocab Test over Chapters 4-7 DED Words 12/7 Rwanda Jigsaw ABSENT STUDENTS: Read the Rwanda Group One: Hutus and the Tutsis and answer the Review Questions for Jigsaw Group 1 Class Work - Jigsaw Rwanda Group One: Hutus and the Tutsis Jigsaw Group 1 Review Questions Rwanda Group Two: Valentina's Story Jigsaw Group 2 Review Questions Rwanda Group Three: International Community's Response Jigsaw Group 3 Review Questions Rwanda Group Four: Post-Genocide Rwanda Jigsaw Group 4 Review Questions 12/8-10 Hotel Rwanda movie - Twenty years ago some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind took place in the country of Rwanda--and in an era of high-speed communication and round the clock news, the events went almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. In only three months, almost one million people were brutally murdered. In the face of these unspeakable actions, inspired by his love for his family, an ordinary man summons extraordinary courage to save the lives of over a thousand helpless refugees, by granting them shelter in the hotel he manages. A true story. Meet the Real Paul Rusesabagina HW: Rwanda Writing Prompts DUE MONDAY 12/14 12/11 Rwanda Discussion Chapter 7 Ethnicity Lecture PPT An Ordinary Man - autobiography by Paul Rusesabagina The Book the refutes Rusesabagina's version of the story: Inside the Hotel Rwanda: The Suprising True Story... Rwanda Genocide fugitive caught after 21 years article 12/15 Semester Final - Study Guide Study Game for Semester Final Work on Missing Assignments 2nd 9 Weeks EXTRA CREDIT You may answer any FOUR “Thinking Geographically” questions in FOUR 150-200 word responses (almost 2 pages typed, double-spaced OR 3 pages written) from any chapter we have covered over that 9 week period. At the end of each chapter Rubenstein has several questions called “Thinking Geographically” applying the concepts of the chapter to “real world” concepts. You can only do ONE extra credit assignment per 9 weeks period. That’s four total for the year. It will increase your overall grade for the 9 weeks by 1%. It should be a total of 600-800 words, which is roughly TWO pages, typed (double-spaced). It should be well thought out and worthy of moving your grade 1%. It is due at the end of the 9 weeks. 12/15-18 FINALS WEEK SEMESTER FINAL SCHEDULE FALL 2015 HAVE AN AMAZING CHRISTMAS BREAK! November Dates
11/2 Intro to Language Power of Place Video 25 - Ethnic Fragmentation in Canada Discussion Questions - DUE FRIDAY - 11/6 HW: Chapter 5 Outline and DED Words - DUE FRIDAY - 11/6 11/4 Chapter 5 Language PowerPoint and Discussion Canadian Bacon movie clip - Language Police History of English Youtube 11/5 Day 1 In Class Work Language Project This is a major grade and will be 80% individual and 20% team. Team PowerPoint Presentation DUE MONDAY 11/9 Individual research paper DUE WEDNESDAY 11/11 Parsons' Language Project PowerPoint Language Project Rubric with language trees Potential Language Project Groups sign up You can use the following websites (or others that you find): The research paper will require a works cited page at the end. This is a great resource to help you with that: Purdue Owl Works Cited This is a great website to automatically put your webpages, or books in MLA format: 11/6 Day 2 In Class Work Language Project Students should be finishing their project, although they do have the weekend to make adjustments or to combine the projects together for the presentations. DUE: Chapter 5 Outline and DED Words HW: Finish Language Projects for presentations on Monday. 11/9-11 Presentations Language Project Team Presentations HW: Study for Chapter 4 (Folk/Pop Culture) and Chapter 5 (Language) Test on FRIDAY 11/15 Chapter 4/5 Test Study Guide 11/12 Finish Chapter 5 Language PowerPoint and Discussion click here: NEARPOD LINK Simon Pegg: Do You Speak English? Language Accents of America Website: Click the picture below to take the New York Times Dialect survey: 11/13
Chapter 4 (Folk/Pop Culture) and Chapter 5 (Language) Test Chapter 4/5 Test Study Guide HW: None 11/16 Intro to Religion Writing Response: Power of Place: Jerusalem - 3 Religions VIDEO: Religious Significance of Jerusalem article DUE: Tuesday 11/17 HW: Outline Chapter 6 Religion and do DED Words 11/17-19 Intro to Religion Big 5 Religions PPT Big 5 Religion Questions 11/20 Intro to Religion Continued Check Outline Chapter 6 Religion and do DED Words Take Class Religion Survey below: 2nd & 3rd Periods - 5th, 6th, & 7th Periods - Take ??????? Religion Survey below: HAVE A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING BREAK! I am truly thankful for all of you! 11/30 Finish Intro to Religion (Hinduism, Buddhism) HW: Outline Chapter 7 Ethnicity and do DED Words - DUE TUESDAY (12/8) 10/1
Hans Rosling Legos Video - describing the changing demographics of the world and the smaller role of the West. Malthus vs. Eberstadt discussion Thomas Malthus article on overpopulation Nicholas Eberstadt article on population implosion 10/2 Chapter 2 Population Vocab Test HW: Chapter 3 Migration Outlines and Chapter 3 DED words DUE TUESDAY 10/13 10/5 Discuss vocab test 10/6 Discuss concepts from Chapter 3: Migration Chapter 3 Migration PowerPoint 10/7-8 Intro the "Lost Boys of Sudan" For more than twenty years, civil war has raged in Sudan, killing and displacing millions. The feature-length documentary, Lost Boys of Sudan, follows two young refugees from the Dinka tribe through their first year in America. Along with twenty thousand other boys, Peter and Santino lost their families and wandered hundreds of miles across the desert seeking safety. After a decade in a Kenyan refugee camp, nearly four thousand ”Lost Boys" have come to the United States. Watch the Lost Boys of Sudan film Work on discussion questions (due Monday 10/14) For more information you can read the following documents: Frequently Asked Questions about Peter and Santino Discussion Guide and Information Background Information about the Lost Boys of Sudan HW: Study for Unit II Population/Migration Exam Covers Chapters 2 and 3 Study Guide 10/12 Refugee Practice FRQ You will work in class with your team of 2 or 3 to research and outline your answer to the question (parts A, B, C, & D). You and your team may research a specific country online and utilize Rubenstein or your outlines. You will then write the FRQ yourself on the following pages. Due: Thursday 10/15 10/13 Intro on handling of controversial material/concepts Illegal Immigration intro Al Gore's SuperNews! Immigration Debate & Glenn Beck's History of Illegal Immigration in a Couple Minutes Discussion of the economic push/pull factors involved in Latin America legal and illegal immigration Power of Place video - Mexico: Motive to Migrate Discussion Questions and background info 10/14 Finish discussion of concepts from Chapter 3: Migration Chapter 3 Migration PowerPoint 10/15 Discuss Unit 1 FRQs Go over Refugee Practice FRQ - grade 10/16 9 weeks test - Unit 2 Population and Migration Covers Chapters 2 and 3 Study Guide 9 Week Extra Credit - Rubenstein This will increase your 9 Weeks Grade by 1% You can do one per 9 week period 10/19 1000 Places to See Before You Die - South Africa PLIRM Sheet HW: Favorites List DUE TUESDAY 10/20 Chapter 4 Culture Outlines and Chapter 4 DED words DUE FRIDAY 10/20 Discuss the Favorites List and the trends of Pop Culture 10/21/15 Happy Back To The Future Day
Discuss the predictions made technologically, culturally, and politically of Back To The Future 2 (set in 1985) and make predictions into the future of 2045... PPT Discussion Points Links: What Back To The Future 2 Got Right/Wrong Guardian article 55 Internet Links for Back To The Future The Atlantic article Lies Back To The Future told us about the future by io9 10/22 Intro Material World with the Namgay Family from Bhutan Here are Peter Menzel's collection of Material World photos Make sure that you check that out to see how he burned through every picture except for the final piece of film for the crying baby shot... :o) 10/23 Friday Material World rotations: Students will work through 5 different families and the photos of their material possessions. We will use analysis sheets to break down the elements of culture for each country and discuss their development level. Notebook checks for Chapter 4 outlines and Chapter 4 DED words FAVORITE FOOD FRIDAY IS OCTOBER 30TH! Sign up for bringing your favorite food for our culture celebration. Try to bring something that is unique to your culture or family. Check out the sign up list in class 10/26 Discuss concepts from Chapter 4 Culture Chapter 4: Folk & Popular Culture PowerPoint 10/27 $10,000 QUESTION Continue concepts from Chapter 4 Culture (see above for link) HW: de Blij Chapter 4 Cultural Landscape excerpt/Questions 10/28 Material World rotations: Students will work through 5 different families and the photos of their material possessions. We will use analysis sheets to break down the elements of culture for each country and discuss their development level. 10/29 Pop Culture Pop Quiz 10/30 FAVORITE FOOD FRIDAY Students will discuss World Happiness. Take the Happiness Test. World Happiness Report Enjoy cultural food. ![]() September Dates
9/1 DED Words and Outlines discussion Chapter 1 Key Issues 1-2 DED Words Chapter 1 Key Issues 3-4 DED Words Basics of Geography video and discussion HW: Chapter 1 outlines and DED Words due Friday (9/4) Vocab Test on Friday (9/4) Chapter 1 Key Issue 1 Outline given and discussed Outline Example Page One, Two, Three, Four Chapter 1 Key Issues 1-2 DED Words assigned and discussed DED Word Examples One, Two, Three, Four 9/2 Why Geography is Important Miss Teen South Carolina Video Longitude/Latitude Activity HW: Article "Why Geography Matters...But Is So Little Learned” by Walter A. McDougall - read and answer questions - DUE MONDAY 9/8 Blooms Taxonomy Question Examples 9/3 Discuss Chapter 1 concepts Chapter 1 PowerPoint The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures, and stories about the visits, will then be posted here. 9/4 Answer questions on chapter 1 vocab Chapter 1 Vocab Test DUE TODAY: Notebooks (chapter 1 outlines, DED words) Chapter 1 Key Issues 1-2 DED Words Chapter 1 Key Issues 3-4 DED Words HW: Article "Why Geography Matters...But Is So Little Learned” by Walter A. McDougall - read and answer questions - DUE TUESDAY 9/8 9/7 Monday LABOR DAY HOLIDAY 9/8 Tuesday Socratic Seminar over the article "Why Geography Matters...But Is So Little Learned” by Walter A.McDougall During discussion, 1 legitimate response (75%), 2 legitimate responses (100%) HW: William Pattison's 4 Traditions of Geography Article - DUE WEDNESDAY 9/16 9/9 warm up - basic needs? what would it take to hit the streets? Street Children of Mongolia film HW: Street Children of Mongolia Responses due Thursday 9/10 9/10 Street Children of Mongolia Responses discussion Street Children of Zimbabwe - Case Study in groups -Once you get a copy of the study, read the first 5 sections (pages 1-2): “Background and Purpose of Study” through “Purpose of Study.” -Each group will read their assigned Table(s) and the accompanying text explaining the Table. -Summarize your Table’s information and key points as it pertains to the problem. -Each group will share for about 60 seconds HW: 1.) Convention on the Rights of the Child brochure Fold the handout into a brochure. Read the excerpts of the brochure. Circle 5 Articles that you especially feel are important for children in the world. Highlight any Articles that may concern you in how it will be carried out. 2.) Convention on the Rights of the Child Background sheet. Read and answer the 3 questions. DUE TOMORROW (9/11) 9/11 Discussion of the CRC and its actual viability to realistically help children around the world. Street Children FRQ 9/14 NASA satellite images, video Globalization discussion, video, note sheet (due tomorrow) UNIT 1 TEST STUDY GUIDE TEST: THURSDAY (FRQs) & FRIDAY (Multiple Choice) 9/17-18 HW: Harm de Blij article read the article and highlight the two most interesting parts, then respond as to why they're interesting on on the Forum "News" and click and respond where it says "Harm de Blij: Role of Place" by Monday 9/21/2015 9/15 Break down Street Children FRQ - create rubric on board - discuss Go over Chapter 1 vocab tests and discuss corrections process 9/16 - Discuss Pattison's "The Four Traditions of Geography" with teammates and whole class - Mental Maps MAPS 101 PowerPoint - Discuss role of maps in our understanding of the world - break down problems of distortion YouTube - West Wing "Why are we changing maps?" 9/17 FRQs Test 9/18 Multiple Choice Test 9/21 1000 Places to See Before You Die video series - Brazil PLIRM Sheet for video - if you are absent, you can watch any program (it helps to do a travel show, but even SpongeBob could work) HW: Read Rubenstein Chapter 2 Population - Outline Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 DED Words DUE FRIDAY 9/25 9/22 Village of 100 PowerPoint - Shrinking the world of 7 billion+ down to 100 OR what would life be like if a zombie apocalypse happened and we had only 100 people...who would lead?...who would we eat first?...who gets the last Snickers bar? OR how does the world's demographics break down in percentages? ("Village of 100%) Village of 100 - Designer and Post Cards: This is where you can find Tony Ng's website. He created the cool minimalist art graphics that I used for the presentation. His work is 3 years old, so it is a bit behind in its data. Village of 100 Discussion Sheet - a chance to express your observations Miniature Earth YouTube Video - a cool video created a few years ago that shows the concepts from the Village of 100. My statistics are a little more recent/accurate and a little less biased than those in the video, but it is still great. I also didn't use the music from the YouTube video. I prefer to use Stars "What the Snowman Learned About Love" 9/23-25 Population PowerPoint - discuss themes of Chapter 2 and beyond. Unit 2 Population & Migration is one of the most heavily covered topics for FRQs on the AP Exam, therefore we will be going very in depth with our coverage. "The Dots Video" - illustrates the growth of world population. Pay special attention to the last 150 years. Uncle Hans Rosling: (born 27 July 1948) is a Swedish medical doctor, academic, statistician and public speaker. He is Professor of International Health at Karolinska Institute and co-founder and chairman of the Gapminder Foundation, which developed the Trendalyzer software system to make statistics fun and accessible. Global Population Growth, Box by Box Ted Talk from Uncle Hans Population Pyramids Part 1 Part 2 - Teammates will split the two countries (Bolivia and Canada) and create population pyramids to illustrate the differences of LDCs and MDCs in regards to shape and distribution. DUE: Chapter 2 outlines and DED Words 9/28 Population Pyramids discussion Finish Demographic Transition with Population PowerPoint HW: Each duo gets 1 of the 2 following articles. WRITING RESPONSES DUE THURSDAY 10/1 Thomas Malthus article on overpopulation The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus (13 February 1766 – 23 December 1834) was a British cleric and scholar, influential in the fields of political economy and demography. Malthus became widely known for his theories about change in population. His An Essay on the Principle of Population observed that sooner or later population will be checked by famine and disease. He wrote in opposition to the popular view in 18th-century Europe that saw society as improving and in principle as perfectible. He thought that the dangers of population growth precluded progress towards a utopian society: "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man". As a cleric, Malthus saw this situation as divinely imposed to teach virtuous behavior. An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus This is the full copy of his writing from 1798 OR Nicholas Eberstadt article on population implosion Nicholas Eberstadt, a political economist and a demographer by training, is also a senior adviser to the National Bureau of Asian Research, a member of the visiting committee at the Harvard School of Public Health, and a member of the Global Leadership Council at the World Economic Forum. He researches and writes extensively on economic development, foreign aid, global health, demographics, and poverty. 9/29 Gray Dawn - explain the implications of "The Graying of America" and work through the PowerPoint. Ask about the implications of this rapidly increasing elderly population. Quietly Read Gray Dawn Chapter 1 excerpt (5 groups, 5 portions of the reading) • In each group you will read your section of the article. • Take notes on main points of your section in your notebook. • Write any challenges to your future in your notebook. When finished: Take turns and discuss with your teammates what you found. Share in order of groups (1-5) for a minimum of 2 mins each. 9/30 Hans Rosling explains Gapminder YouTube during TED Talks Explore Gapminder and work through the activity Due Tuesday 10/6 CHAP 2 VOCAB TEST ON FRIDAY 10/2 August Dates
8/24 Monday Intro to class - Syllabus Parent Letter - signed to verify use of laptops/photos/videos/etc and for viewing Hotel Rwanda, Life in a Day, and Food, Inc. 8/25 List of 30 Discussion of individual concepts of Geography 8/26 Posters of Team/Table 30 Working together to create visual examples of the Team's 30 aspects of Geography 8/27 PLIRM - 5 Themes of Geography Powerpoint Lecture and Discussion of the ways to view the world through different forms of analysis 8/28 Get new Rubenstein textbooks and access online textbook Chapter 1 Key Issue 1 Outline given and discussed Outline Example Page One, Two, Three, Four Chapter 1 Key Issues 1-2 DED Words assigned and discussed DED Word Examples One, Two, Three, Four HW: Ch. 1 outlines & DED Words Key Issue 1-2s 3-4 Due Fri (9/5) Study for Vocab Test on Friday (9/5) 8/29 Monday Finish PLIRM discussion Field Trip PLIRM Questions Answer questions about DED words and Outlines Give out DED Words for Chapter 1 Key Issues 3-4 |